- It’s not goodbye but changes are coming…
Hello friends,
Good afternoon!
A very hard post for me to write. It has been about 3 years since I started FromMaddiesKitchen and I have to tell you how much I have loved baking for you. I love when you pick up at my house, sometimes with your kids, smiles galore. I love when your kids hug my kitties, ask what I am baking and tell me how delicious my house smells. I love dropping off orders at Trace, Zero Waste and seeing Mala and her amazing team. I have loved baking for charities, baking for fund raisers and for anyone who bought or won a gift certificate. I have loved chopping quarts of apples and watching apple cakes baking, seeing the scones come out of the oven and baking multitudes of muffins. I adore baking focaccia bread and rolls and when someone tells me how much they love them it makes my heart sing.
I am a part time baker, and I will turn 70 this year…..yup! In 3 years I haven’t turned anything close to a profit, probably because I am part time, probably because I pride myself on the freshest ingredients, probably because I haven’t raised prices in 2 years.
In October my Mom, 96, had a terrible accident and is now confined to a skilled nursing facility. I committed to being there every other week and I have stuck by this and will be ever grateful for the time I have with her. I am also going to be doing a “freshening up” of my house, including painting, some kitchen renovations, minor construction and some other fun projects and baking during this work is impossible.
Although I am not officially shutting down FromMaddiesKitchen, I will not be posting weekly, or biweekly. However, if someone has a baking “emergency” i.e. must have an apple cake, carrot cake, focaccia, etc. and if I am in town I will bake for you. I am adjusting my pricing upwards and hope to have that done by next week – but I just can’t bake at the capacity I was, sadly. I will miss so many of you, but hope on occasion I can bake for you.
In the meantime, I am so grateful for the new (and old) friendships as well as seeing each of you and I hope to continue doing so. Wishing each of you the warmest and happiest of 2025 and beyond. Thank each of you for your patronage, friendship and patience.
With much love and gratefulness,Apple Cakes Maddie
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram - Happy Thanksgiving
Hello friends,
Good afternoon!
I hope everyone is doing great! I had snowflakes in my backyard today – it was very strange as it was 39 degrees outside – of course, nothing stuck, but it was kinda fun to see them!!
Apple Cakes I am totally booked now for Thanksgiving and my first two apple cakes needed for tomorrow just came out of the oven (see pic)- wish you could smell them, they are so delicious!!
For those who are not as familiar with my baking, I encourage you to look a through my website and look at pics and descriptions – I make a lot of interesting items you may not find at typical bakeries – and also some fun specialty items – don’t forget that I will be baking pies, cakes, cheesecakes, muffins, scones and of course focaccia for the next month’s bake!
If you haven’t gotten your invoice yet, please let me know ASAP as my spreadsheet says I’ve sent them all and that is who I am baking for!!
Now for December baking — I will be baking the week of December 9, already have a couple of orders, so get yours in! I will also be baking December 19 – December 23 with pick up December 24! I leave town on the 25th, and return on December 30, so unfortunately, no baking for New Year’s Eve or day. I am not completely sure of my January schedule yet, it will be Mom dependent! In the meantime, enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday and your loved ones you are sharing time with this coming week!
Wishing each of you peace, love and yummy times ahead!!
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram - I’m BACK!
The 1st Focaccia & Flowers Get Together- July 2024 Hello friends,
I want to thank you all for your thoughts and good wishes while I was recovering from my surgery! I’m back, and appreciate all your recent orders, I love baking for you!
What better way to celebrate than gathering with friends in my kitchen decorating bread and making beautiful flower arrangements with the incomparable Lisa Waters, spectacular flower arranger ( Our event, Focaccia & Flowers was a great success and we’re doing it again in the fall!
Flour & Flowers Event – Sept. 28, 2024 Here is the date and sign-up link for our next class – Sat, Sept. 28, from 10-12. Feel free to share with friends. We are limiting each class to 8. We’ll do another class on Oct. 8 and then take a holiday break.
Here’s the link to sign up-
Hope to see you soon for focaccia and flowers!!!
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram - Mark Your Calendar!
Maddie’s Cast Hello friends,
The good news is I get the cast off a week from today (June 3rd)! YAY!! I have learned how to chop a bit now holding knife between my middle and ring finger, but i cant break an egg to save my life, it is so funny to try! But I am cooking a bit and I see baking in the very near future!
Did I tell you all that I am making mini pineapple upside cakes? They are so adorable! I cant wait to start baking them for you! I’m accepting orders for the end of the month!
Now for some really FUN news: If you don’t know Lisa Waters, you need to – she is a local school teacher with an amazing side hustle as a spectacular flower arranger and does beautiful and unique arrangements ( We are teaming to teach you how to decorate and take home delicious focaccia (I’ll provide the focaccia dough for two breads and tons of fun decorations and Lisa will be teaching flower arrangements ! You get to take all home! See flyer below. We already have several registered so save a space for yourself It will be in my kitchen and on screened-in porch!
Focaccia & Flowers – Saturday, July 13 In meantime, enjoy the beautiful summer days, and hoping when I reach out next it will have baking dates!
Thank you, thank you, ALL!! Your messages and well wishes are heartwarming and I can’t wait to bake for you again soon! Take good care – I miss seeing you!
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram - MAY – JUNE
Maddie Hey yummy lovers! Thank you! I was totally booked for Mother’s Day baking week and won’t be baking again until the end of June, post surgery! Thank you all for all the wonderful orders, it is so fun baking for all! I will keep you posted when I’ll be baking again. I am hoping for the last week in June!!
Coming NEW is mini pineapple upside down cakes – perfect for one- will start selling after surgery for $4.50 each.Thank you, thank you, ALL!! Leaving you with a pic of me so you don’t forget me — this is me at my Mom’s, cooking for her!! Take good care.
Mini pineapple upside down cake Yummily,
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram - MARCH – PI Week!
Yummies Good morning all! .
Next week is Pi week – which means a 15% discount on all pies – order by Tuesday 3/12/24 – how about a lattice crust apple or blueberry pie? OR, a “summer” strawberry pie (not cooked except for crust). OR a chocolate cream pie! Oh, so delicious. I will also throw all “tarts” into the pie category, so don’t forget about my cream cheese chocolate tart topped with strawberries and splattered with dark and white chocolate. OR, I can make you a chocolate tart with sea salt and toasted coconut. I am also making a chocolate cream pie topped with (or without) whipped cream.
#piweek #piweek2024 #pies #focacciabread #scones #muffins
Lattice pie cream cheese chocolate tart topped with strawberries and splattered with dark and white chocolate Yummily,
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram - FEBRUARY – A lot to celebrate this month!
Heart “southern pound cake” Hello! We are nearing the end of this month – From start to finish there was a lot to celebrate from Lunar to Leap year ~ and everything in between! The year of the Wood Dragon introduced you to my heart “southern pound cake”. For Valentine’s Day, available in heart or other typical round bundt cake shape for $30.
Other celebrations this month include, Super Bowl, Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday, and President’s Day – place order by Tuesdays – try my new Walnut bundt cake, it comes in three sizes: a mini $4 (a minimum of 4) it will serve 1-2, depending on how much you are willing to share; a medium ($12), serves 4; and a large ($20) (6 cups) serves 6-8. – check my website and see the yummies! Please email, text or messenger!Walnut Bundt Cake in Three Sizes For my customers who haven’t gotten an email in 2-3 weeks I’m getting bounce-backs from AOL and Verizon – don’t know why, but the emails aren’t going through – not sure what to do!!
Good weekend and week ahead! Be sure to share your love with all! It should be Valentine’s Day more than once a year – we all need the love!
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram - THANK YOU! Merry Christmas and happy whatever you are celebrating!!!
Pecan, Apple and Pumpkin Pies Hello!
I had the privilege of being asked by One Neighborhood, (a local Vienna non profit who donates food and raises money for the food insecure) to bake pies for a Deli Italiano Christmas Cookie and Pie Drive. The restaurant is donating Christmas meals to 1000 families – the 12 pies I baked isn’t a lot, but it is something! Here is a picture of the pies – pecan, apple and pumpkin – my first-time baking in disposable pans, it was a challenge!! But fun…. Thank you, Lydia Russo for giving me an opportunity to be a part of this wonderful fund raiser!
I have no real news – just wanted to wish all happy holidays – tomorrow I start baking all your orders!! Tomorrow will be spiced nuts, pie crusts and a couple of rum cakes that are needed early and prepping, Wed/Thur/Friday the full baking with pick ups at Trace and my house. If you ordered, paid, and haven’t told me what day you need your items, please let me know! If you missed out (totally booked), my apologies ☹. I am doing SOME baking NEXT week if you need anything for New Year’s Weekend, but not doing a full blow out baking, so let me know if you need a yummy.
I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your interest in my baked goods, your patience with occasional mistakes and thank you for all your feedback! I am excited for next year and hoping I can bake for each of you. I may be out a few weeks in January or February because I require hand surgery (basil joint replacement on right hand (did my left 10 years ago)) but hopefully it will only be a few weeks and I will let you know when that is after the 1st of the year. Have a healthy happy Christmas and/or other lovely holiday and wishing you all a beautiful New Year! Take good care and thank you all again!
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
703 223 6156
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram - OCTOBER IS FOR MUMMIES! Part 2
PSSST – November is Maddie’s Birthday month! Be sure to send this wonderful lady a note!
Maddie with VPD MPO Juan Vazquez Some of you may know that last year and this year I assisted Mummies For Mouths by incentivizing contributors who donated large amounts (last year $100, this year $125 or more) by offering a focaccia bread or a dozen scones in the month of October. A lovely woman, Natasha P. made a generous contribution. I reached out and she asked that I donate to either the police or fire departments. I decided to make my pumpkin cream cheese surprise muffins and made 18 and dropped off today. We are so blessed with having such a wonderful local police force in Vienna! Thank you for all you do! Jude and Heather Adler. Town of Vienna Police.
Mummies 3rd year was a success, total raised: $15,284! Thanks to donations from our amazing generous community. Please visit Mummies’ Google site to continue contributing to this great cause.
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
703 223 6156
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram - OCTOBER IS FOR MUMMIES!
Mummies for Mouths Once again, I’m excited that FromMaddiesKitchen is supporting Mummies for Mouths! If you donate $125 you receive either a 9” focaccia, a dozen (regular size!) scones or muffins (your choice)!
If you have already donated $125 or more – your name is on a list – and we will continue to communicate with her and connect any of you high-roller donors!
Heather and Jude Adler say, “Maddie’s yummies are lights-out amazing – just like her!”
I’m thrilled to support this local Vienna charity, and thank everyone, for helping make Mummies For Mouths – Season 3 a success. All donations are given to local pantries to assist people living with food insecurity.
Please visit Mummies’ Google site to request mummies available for pick-up on the Adler’s front porch sarcophagus almost instantly!
Nomini Boards by Kerry McKeown Digges Focaccia bread on Nomini Boards by Kerry McKeown Digges Hi again! I HAD to do a separate post about these pictures – yes, the bread is lovely and yummy – but the BOARD – OMG, have you ever seen such a perfect focaccia board. This is made by Kerry McKeown Digges – she is a wood worker and makes gorgeous boards. You can see her on FB Nomini Boards or Kerry McKeown Digges and on Instagram @Nomini_boards – you must check it out!
For those who have ordered my bread and are always wondering easiest way to cut it up – check out how we do it – this way, if you only eat half (try, haha) you can slice up half and save half! Enjoy!!
Now go order some bread and a new board! Have a great week!
703 223 6156Yummily,
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
703 223 6156
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram - PRE-ORDERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS!
Pumpkin Pies Pecan Pies This week, as you may have seen on my FB post – I cooked/prepped 13.5 pounds of pumpkin, in the freezer, which may even take me through Thanksgiving, but if not, I will get more, cook more, and be prepared! For those who ordered and enjoyed my pumpkin pies and pecan pies for Thanksgiving last year, I will be baking them again and if you want to be sure to have one from me – you can pre-order now! I will have lots of other yummies as well, but these spaces will get taken fast – I will be baking Monday-Wednesday, prior to Thanksgiving which adds an extra day so hoping to be able to fill all orders – but we have 2 months until then!!
I still have a few peaches and can still do peach scones. I have butternut squash for my coconut, butternut squash, ginger, pecan muffins! (and yes, all of that in one muffin!). I am making more roasted tomato focaccia either rolled in or topped, any size with $1 off any size of these breads as I really want to use up roasted cherry tomatoes! Will have a simple rosemary focaccia this week as well. For those who may be new, please check out my website which has all the items offered, including cakes and even a few GF items now!
Until I get orders and can accept small orders (one or two muffins/scones) 6 is minimum on muffins, 8 mini scones or 4 large scones! If you haven’t tried it, the pina colada (pineapple, coconut with or without pecans) are delicious. Also, don’t forget about blueberry scones and lemon ginger scones. Always feel free to check with me by Tuesday to see what scones and muffins I may have extra of that won’t require a minimum! Remember I make chocolate pumpkin muffins, pumpkin cream cheese surprise muffins, pumpkin bread with or without nuts, banana bread (or muffins) with or without nuts and/or chocolate chips (kids favorite). Also, this time of year, orange muffins and orange scones are delicious (well, actually, anytime of year, but fall seems just “right”).
Updated downloadable PDF Menu is now on the website! CLICK HERE!
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
703 223 6156
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram - IT’S OFFICIALLY FALL BAKING SEASON!
Apple Cakes – Glutten free on left, with additional walnuts on right I hope everyone is savoring this cool weather! I still have tomatoes on the vine, carrots and parsnips, and beets to pick as well as butternut squash – speaking of, it is that time of year for my butternut squash, fresh ginger, pecan and coconut muffins – have you tried them? If not, this is the time to order. Muffins you may have forgotten about – lemon coconut, yum! How about some blueberry muffins or banana chocolate chip? Pumpkin surprise (with sweet cream cheese center) is always a hit! Other fall favorites are apple cinnamon crunch muffins and pumpkin chocolate chip!
Focaccia: I just got some pepperoni, which means pepperoni, mozzarella focaccia topped with parmesan in the making this week – no minimums so order up! Always a simple rosemary focaccia is perfect for fall! I still have loads of cherry tomatoes and will be roasting more this week, so roasted tomato focaccia rolled into the bread with or without parmesan on top available, no minimums. I also make sweet focaccia – either apple/cinnamon sugar or blueberry – have an idea, let me know! I’m always game to try something new.
Pumpkin bread, chocolate marbled pumpkin bread, banana bread (with or without walnuts and/or chocolate chips available!
Apple cake (now in small sizes) is always available as well. Small serves 6 easily, with or without walnuts. Minis are 6″ and come in a set of two, one to keep and one to give!. Pineapple upside down cake is always delicious and makes the house smell so good when you heat it up a little!!
Orders due NOON ON TUESDAY!! Everything ready by 4:00 on Thursday – remember, I now have pick up at Trace, Zero Waste Store, in Vienna on Church Street – there is parking behind the store if you can’t find it on the street! You will love shopping there while you are picking up your yummies – the staff and mission are so wonderful! I have started using compostable muffin paper so you can add the paper to your compost now! Working on other initiatives to reduce waste 😊
Have a great week all, thank you for your patronage and feedback – it is important for me to hear your thoughts on all items – as my goal is total satisfaction and if it is not what you anticipated, I will make good on it and re-bake! Thank you.
Updated downloadable PDF Menu is now on the website! CLICK HERE!
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
703 223 6156
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram