Hello friends,
I want to thank you all for your thoughts and good wishes while I was recovering from my surgery! I’m back, and appreciate all your recent orders, I love baking for you!
What better way to celebrate than gathering with friends in my kitchen decorating bread and making beautiful flower arrangements with the incomparable Lisa Waters, spectacular flower arranger (https://fleursbylisa.com/). Our event, Focaccia & Flowers was a great success and we’re doing it again in the fall!

Here is the date and sign-up link for our next class – Sat, Sept. 28, from 10-12. Feel free to share with friends. We are limiting each class to 8. We’ll do another class on Oct. 8 and then take a holiday break.
Here’s the link to sign up- https://forms.gle/Cx6ccsffPMLKBxri9
Hope to see you soon for focaccia and flowers!!!
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram