Pumpkin cream cheese swirl muffins are back! – these are so delicious COLD, right out of fridge – I love them this way (OK, I had one for breakfast this morning 😊). I can make you pumpkin bread (or muffins, with or without nuts), pumpkin scones with cranberries or pecans (my invention) and a pumpkin crumb cake muffin!
I roasted a ton more cherry tomatoes from garden, (about 4 varieties) and can fold into focaccia finished with parm on top – I will also be making mozzarella and pepperoni focaccia this week – so if you want yummy bread, no minimum – 8”, 9”, 10”, 9×14” available! For some early customers – you may recall I make apple cinnamon sugar “morning” focaccia as well as blueberry, with a hint of cinnamon and a tiny bit sugar to finish!! If you haven’t tried these, be ready – I’ll have no minimums on these after September 18 for a few week! It’s apple season!! Try apple everything!
Pineapple upside down cake has been a big seller lately – if you like these, you should try one! I’m baking 2 apple cakes this week – can do 2 more if anyone wants – ALSO _ available for Rosh Hashannah (16th) – cakes will be ready for pick up on 14th after 4 or mutually arranged time on 15th. I have 2 cakes on order for this week also, so if you want, I can bake 3 more that week – more next weekend in my email. 5 is my max for that week!
I had someone ask about spiced nuts – I will be holding out until October-ish for these! Need to check pricing on nuts this fall and score some great honey and spice for these – if you haen’t tried – be ready – they are a tiny bit addictive, claim some!
Do not forget to check my website which provides a pretty thorough list of what I bake and do not hesitate to ask any questions about what I make – I am up for trying something new – thanks to a customer I am making “pina colada/pecan scones this week – what fun these will be!! If I can make/bake it I will – if I can’t I will tell you, I promise!!
Have a beautiful week – hopefully our last “hot” one for the year! Take good care all!
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
703 223 6156
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram