Posts by frommaddieskitchen
It’s not goodbye but changes are coming…
Hello friends, Good afternoon!A very hard post for me to write. It has been about 3 years since I started FromMaddiesKitchen and I have to tell you how much I have loved baking for you. I love when you pick up at my house, sometimes with your kids, smiles galore. I love when your kids…
Read MoreHappy Thanksgiving
Hello friends, Good afternoon! I hope everyone is doing great! I had snowflakes in my backyard today – it was very strange as it was 39 degrees outside – of course, nothing stuck, but it was kinda fun to see them!! I am totally booked now for Thanksgiving and my first two apple cakes needed…
Read MoreI’m BACK!
Hello friends, I want to thank you all for your thoughts and good wishes while I was recovering from my surgery! I’m back, and appreciate all your recent orders, I love baking for you! What better way to celebrate than gathering with friends in my kitchen decorating bread and making beautiful flower arrangements with the…
Read MoreMark Your Calendar!
Hello friends, The good news is I get the cast off a week from today (June 3rd)! YAY!! I have learned how to chop a bit now holding knife between my middle and ring finger, but i cant break an egg to save my life, it is so funny to try! But I am cooking…
Read MoreMAY – JUNE
Hey yummy lovers! Thank you! I was totally booked for Mother’s Day baking week and won’t be baking again until the end of June, post surgery! Thank you all for all the wonderful orders, it is so fun baking for all! I will keep you posted when I’ll be baking again. I am hoping for…
Read MoreMARCH – PI Week!
Good morning all! . Next week is Pi week – which means a 15% discount on all pies – order by Tuesday 3/12/24 – how about a lattice crust apple or blueberry pie? OR, a “summer” strawberry pie (not cooked except for crust). OR a chocolate cream pie! Oh, so delicious. I will also throw…
Read MoreFEBRUARY – A lot to celebrate this month!
Hello! We are nearing the end of this month – From start to finish there was a lot to celebrate from Lunar to Leap year ~ and everything in between! The year of the Wood Dragon introduced you to my heart “southern pound cake”. For Valentine’s Day, available in heart or other typical round bundt…
Read MoreTHANK YOU! Merry Christmas and happy whatever you are celebrating!!!
Hello! I had the privilege of being asked by One Neighborhood, (a local Vienna non profit who donates food and raises money for the food insecure) to bake pies for a Deli Italiano Christmas Cookie and Pie Drive. The restaurant is donating Christmas meals to 1000 families – the 12 pies I baked isn’t a…
PSSST – November is Maddie’s Birthday month! Be sure to send this wonderful lady a note! Some of you may know that last year and this year I assisted Mummies For Mouths by incentivizing contributors who donated large amounts (last year $100, this year $125 or more) by offering a focaccia bread or a dozen…
Once again, I’m excited that FromMaddiesKitchen is supporting Mummies for Mouths! If you donate $125 you receive either a 9” focaccia, a dozen (regular size!) scones or muffins (your choice)! If you have already donated $125 or more – your name is on a list – and we will continue to communicate with her and…
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