It’s not goodbye but changes are coming…
Hello friends,

Good afternoon!
A very hard post for me to write. It has been about 3 years since I started FromMaddiesKitchen and I have to tell you how much I have loved baking for you. I love when you pick up at my house, sometimes with your kids, smiles galore. I love when your kids hug my kitties, ask what I am baking and tell me how delicious my house smells. I love dropping off orders at Trace, Zero Waste and seeing Mala and her amazing team. I have loved baking for charities, baking for fund raisers and for anyone who bought or won a gift certificate. I have loved chopping quarts of apples and watching apple cakes baking, seeing the scones come out of the oven and baking multitudes of muffins. I adore baking focaccia bread and rolls and when someone tells me how much they love them it makes my heart sing.
I am a part time baker, and I will turn 70 this year…..yup! In 3 years I haven’t turned anything close to a profit, probably because I am part time, probably because I pride myself on the freshest ingredients, probably because I haven’t raised prices in 2 years.
In October my Mom, 96, had a terrible accident and is now confined to a skilled nursing facility. I committed to being there every other week and I have stuck by this and will be ever grateful for the time I have with her. I am also going to be doing a “freshening up” of my house, including painting, some kitchen renovations, minor construction and some other fun projects and baking during this work is impossible.
Although I am not officially shutting down FromMaddiesKitchen, I will not be posting weekly, or biweekly. However, if someone has a baking “emergency” i.e. must have an apple cake, carrot cake, focaccia, etc. and if I am in town I will bake for you. I am adjusting my pricing upwards and hope to have that done by next week – but I just can’t bake at the capacity I was, sadly. I will miss so many of you, but hope on occasion I can bake for you.
In the meantime, I am so grateful for the new (and old) friendships as well as seeing each of you and I hope to continue doing so. Wishing each of you the warmest and happiest of 2025 and beyond. Thank each of you for your patronage, friendship and patience.
With much love and gratefulness,

Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram