THANK YOU! Merry Christmas and happy whatever you are celebrating!!!

I had the privilege of being asked by One Neighborhood, (a local Vienna non profit who donates food and raises money for the food insecure) to bake pies for a Deli Italiano Christmas Cookie and Pie Drive. The restaurant is donating Christmas meals to 1000 families – the 12 pies I baked isn’t a lot, but it is something! Here is a picture of the pies – pecan, apple and pumpkin – my first-time baking in disposable pans, it was a challenge!! But fun…. Thank you, Lydia Russo for giving me an opportunity to be a part of this wonderful fund raiser!
I have no real news – just wanted to wish all happy holidays – tomorrow I start baking all your orders!! Tomorrow will be spiced nuts, pie crusts and a couple of rum cakes that are needed early and prepping, Wed/Thur/Friday the full baking with pick ups at Trace and my house. If you ordered, paid, and haven’t told me what day you need your items, please let me know! If you missed out (totally booked), my apologies ☹. I am doing SOME baking NEXT week if you need anything for New Year’s Weekend, but not doing a full blow out baking, so let me know if you need a yummy.
I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your interest in my baked goods, your patience with occasional mistakes and thank you for all your feedback! I am excited for next year and hoping I can bake for each of you. I may be out a few weeks in January or February because I require hand surgery (basil joint replacement on right hand (did my left 10 years ago)) but hopefully it will only be a few weeks and I will let you know when that is after the 1st of the year. Have a healthy happy Christmas and/or other lovely holiday and wishing you all a beautiful New Year! Take good care and thank you all again!
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
703 223 6156
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram