Mid Summer is here! and so are new Tomato Pies!

Good Day All!
I have LOTS of pre-orders, and as a matter of fact, sold out of tomato pie this week – if you want one next week, please let me know NOW as they are selling very fast – my price for tomato pies has been $35, but that was using 80-90% of my own tomatoes – but now, I’m in a state of lots of green tomatoes so I had to buy about 18 pounds this week. So, pies, until I have enough in garden are $40 (and worth every penny) plus plate deposit ($6).
The tomato pies have a parmesan and cheddar crust, layered tomatoes and basil (also from garden) with a parmesan/cheddar topping!!! My butternut squash are starting, so hoping to have some special yummies in August and then, OMG – we are going into fall yummies.
But, in the meantime, you can still get focaccia rolls, strawberry cream cheese tarts, strawberry pies, blueberry pies and more.
I need your help! – WHOEVER has pie pans, can you drop them off? You can drop to McLean Hardware, where my daughter Hannah works; 3900 Jermantown Road suite 300, where I have pick ups and where my BF works and of course you can drop at my house!! Even just leave on bench by door with a note who is dropping it off so I can get you your deposit back. I will return your deposit immediately – I only have 2-9” pans and I have made about 40 pies in the past few months (!!). I will get more if I need to but if you have one and have time to drop off, I would greatly appreciate it! I am not making 10” tomato pies, but would still like to get pans back as we have fall coming…..and you know what that means – fresh pumpkin and pecan pies!!!
I thank you so much for all your orders and I have loved meeting so many new people, it is so amazing! I love baking for each of you!
Madeleine Abel
FromMaddiesKitchen, LLC
703 223 6156
[email protected]
@frommaddieskitchen on facebook and instragram